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what makes CARMELO tick
Carmelo car mats are a custom automotive Interior & accessories brand manufacturer with customers worldwide. We take pride in creating car accessories for all kinds of vehicles that come in different shapes and sizes, like our award winning car mats and boot liners. We have invested over six years of extensive R&D, conducted thorough material studies and countless tests across over 1000+ vehicles to create high quality products that are unmatched.
Vehicle information:
Carmelo accessories are specially made and customised, based on the order information about each vehicle provided during checkout.
We use our next gen laser scanning technology to accurately measure your exact vehicle floorboard model to create the perfect fit. This is also assisted by using your vehicle manufacturer measurements we have on our system
Our state of the art computerised cutting machine removes the possibility of human error and ensures appropriate alignment when spliced together.

Premium Materials:
Each liner is swayed to detail the contours of your specific vehicle shape and is embroidered on the surface leather, Making our car mats like no other.
Quality Control:
Our quality control staff checks progress at each point in the production chain. We then package every order with substantial protection so it arrives in your home the same condition it left.
Your Carmelo product arrives at your door ready for quick and easy installation without tools or professional assistance required.
Your Car Interior Is Your Second Home
At Carmelo we value the inside of your car as much as the outside and believe both are just as important. Thats why we have made it our mission to provide premium products that upgrades any car in: style, comfort and class.
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